Category Term Count % PValue Genes List Total Pop Hits Pop Total Fold Enrichment Bonferroni Benjamini FDR GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0006766~vitamin metabolic process 6 2.6200873362445414 0.023203083694199874 Q91W63, P00491, P98158, P78417, P47727, O09131 178 10 957 3.2258426966292135 0.9999999999994177 0.9999999999994177 31.58221010251163 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0050953~sensory perception of light stimulus 5 2.1834061135371177 0.04280516586963444 Q96RW7, Q08257, P58365, P11584, P08645 178 8 957 3.3602528089887636 1.0 0.9999999999960171 50.700938907350135 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0007601~visual perception 5 2.1834061135371177 0.04280516586963444 Q96RW7, Q08257, P58365, P11584, P08645 178 8 957 3.3602528089887636 1.0 0.9999999999960171 50.700938907350135 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0007391~dorsal closure 5 2.1834061135371177 0.04280516586963444 Q01989, Q94887, P11584, P08645, P08630 178 8 957 3.3602528089887636 1.0 0.9999999999960171 50.700938907350135 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0045216~cell-cell junction organization 4 1.7467248908296942 0.04656430069109935 Q01989, Q94887, Q9Y490, Q9VN14 178 5 957 4.301123595505618 1.0 0.9999999947932869 53.73944829158162 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0006350~transcription 14 6.11353711790393 0.055466021698323056 Q8CGF7, Q5ZLT7, Q9UPN6, Q5ZIP4, P50580, Q5REU4, P51610, Q28F51, P46531, O00422, Q9DE27, Q5XIH7, Q28EB4 178 45 957 1.6726591760299625 1.0 0.9999999632484463 60.248767149797985 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0006355~regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent 8 3.4934497816593884 0.05891404940772384 O00422, P46531, Q2KJJ0, Q2PC93, Q9Y2V2, P50580, Q28EB4 178 20 957 2.150561797752809 1.0 0.9999995311546865 62.530911284602794 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0045449~regulation of transcription 16 6.986899563318777 0.0653346498860054 Q8CGF7, Q5ZLT7, Q5ZIP4, Q2KJJ0, Q2PC93, P61088, P50580, Q9Y2V2, Q5REU4, P51610, Q28F51, P46531, O00422, Q5XIH7, Q28EB4 178 55 957 1.5640449438202246 1.0 0.9999986472156599 66.45659011552978 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0007156~homophilic cell adhesion 5 2.1834061135371177 0.0661576935506581 Q6V0I7, Q9Y639, Q9VGG5, P58365, Q2PZL6 178 9 957 2.98689138576779 1.0 0.9999919825490272 66.93093815635532 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0060429~epithelium development 8 3.4934497816593884 0.07502890552205524 Q01989, P15924, Q94887, Q9VN14, Q5XIH7, P11584, P08645, P08630 178 21 957 2.048154093097913 1.0 0.9999916972076801 71.65967855230268 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0042127~regulation of cell proliferation 8 3.4934497816593884 0.07502890552205524 O95995, P0CB95, P62248, P46531, P00491, Q5XIH7, P55008, P46781 178 21 957 2.048154093097913 1.0 0.9999916972076801 71.65967855230268 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0048514~blood vessel morphogenesis 4 1.7467248908296942 0.08064309449874368 P46531, P79098, Q7Z3E1, P19971 178 6 957 3.5842696629213484 1.0 0.9999864724545805 74.31617131219718 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0034330~cell junction organization 4 1.7467248908296942 0.08064309449874368 Q01989, Q94887, Q9Y490, Q9VN14 178 6 957 3.5842696629213484 1.0 0.9999864724545805 74.31617131219718 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0042060~wound healing 5 2.1834061135371177 0.09479410012162041 P46531, P15924, Q13310, Q96RW7, O75923 178 10 957 2.688202247191011 1.0 0.9999935481374268 80.01295432700861 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0016331~morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium 5 2.1834061135371177 0.09479410012162041 Q01989, Q94887, P11584, P08645, P08630 178 10 957 2.688202247191011 1.0 0.9999935481374268 80.01295432700861 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0001700~embryonic development via the syncytial blastoderm 5 2.1834061135371177 0.09479410012162041 Q01989, Q94887, P11584, P08645, P08630 178 10 957 2.688202247191011 1.0 0.9999935481374268 80.01295432700861 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0048729~tissue morphogenesis 7 3.056768558951965 0.09685422466236161 Q01989, P46531, Q94887, Q5XIH7, P11584, P08645, P08630 178 18 957 2.090823970037453 1.0 0.9999850863428241 80.73578432461012 GOTERM_BP_FAT GO:0002009~morphogenesis of an epithelium 6 2.6200873362445414 0.09810002667357591 Q01989, Q94887, Q5XIH7, P11584, P08645, P08630 178 14 957 2.3041733547351524 1.0 0.9999672027516721 81.16091877212048